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Advancing the Witches` Craftr by Lord Foxglove

作者: Lord Foxglove
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"Be warned: Advancing the witches Craft is not another `Wicca 101` book! In the half-century since Gerald Gardner first introduced modern Witchcraft into the world, several generations have grown up with its teachings and practices. It`s about time that someone finally presents a book of teachings not for the novice, but for the Wiccan Adept. In this remarkable work, Lord Foxglove takes the already-trained reader through the looking glass and into the realms of Shadow with our " other " self. As Foxglove states, `The work in this book should only be attempted by those that have an extremely competent teacher and guide.` Lord Foxglove is one of the first of a new wave of writers to come into Wicca, who are willing to explore the complexities of the spiritual mysteries. Advancing The Witches Craft is well thought out, in depth and suitable for anyone; from those beginning their path to those firmly established on it. Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone, Authors` of A Witches` Bible and Progressive Witchcraft **** Contains CD with Guided Meditations***** What would you do if one of the most powerful magickal forces imaginable were within your grasp? And how would you feel if you discovered that not only were you its creator, but that it was, in fact, a facet of yourself that you never knew existed? There is an entity that exists on the spirit plane that, in its purest form, is an astral projection of your magickal self. And the only boundary it knows is you. This unknown entity is your shadow spirit, your other. Through a series of exercises, guided meditations, and realignment contained in Lord Foxgloves long awaited book, Advancing the Witches Craft, youll actually discover how to contact and join with this entity and obtain a flow of magickal power and balance you never thought possible. Why is this important? Like twins separated at birth, you are incomplete without your shadow spirit. You know that nagging feelingof something missing, something left undone, something you know exists but cant quite put your finger on. Half of your magickal self is missing. Half of your power and potential has gone unrealized. A direct mainline to the akasha lies abandoned and unused. Advancing the Witches Craft combines the elements of mystery, adventure, and advanced teachings in Witchcraft, all presented in an intimate and challenging fashion. It is a unique teaching tool that takes readers into uncharted territory in an intense, yet fun and exciting way. The greatest magickal guide imaginable is out there right now, waiting for contact. And it is you. Lord Foxglove is one of todays leading pioneers in the fields of advanced Witchcraft and eclectic magick. He is an ordained priest and cofounder of the Live Oak Experiential Church and the Temple of Aradia. He has studied with, and taught for, a wide variety of covens and temples. He is also a well known Pagan artist and musician. Lord Foxglove lives in Northern Indiana with his wife and children in an enchanted home located on their sanctuary and covenstead known as Nevermore Gardens.

  • Size:335 pages
價格: $300 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $270 HKD
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貨品編號: 01899
出版商/廠商: New Page Books

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